
Schermafbeelding 2014-06-22 om 22.25.00People feel good and happy in a pleasant environment and when they are in harmony with themselves.

Hang this 3D star at a window. The sun casts its rays through the crystal so that the sunlight is broken and there is a beautiful rainbow of colors in the room.

Schermafbeelding 2014-05-25 om 17.15.51This activates the flow of positive chi energy, cleans the room and heal our emotions and feelings of well-being.
Chi is divided into Yin and Yang. Yin is dark, passive and feminine – Yang is light, active and masculine. Crystal comes from the Greek word "krystallos" and means "frozen light", it is also very beautiful and very powerful in activating energy. The geometric shape called a star tetrahedron is composed of a positive tetrahedron at the top and at the bottom a negative tetrahedron, together they make harmony. This form still reinforces the positive energy flow.

These mobiles are hand-made in bamboo or wood.

The price fluctuates between 10 € en 60 € depending on the size and material ( min. 17 cm – max. 30 cm ) and can be ordered.
Use this MerKaBa to alleviate yourself, your life and living environment.

Merkaba meditation – info : Drunvalo Melchizedek->



Schermafbeelding 2014-05-25 om 17.16.17