
healing with gemstonesGems and minerals and their medicinal properties have been known for centuries by people, as shown by excavations.
Wearing gems from mental or physical symptoms is a very old therapy. Many primitive peoples knew very early on that stone exert therapeutic effect on the thinking and feeling.
They were for example as a talisman, worn amulet or seal, whether or not fitted with inscriptions or images.

Gems and hence gemstone therapy is still used to give the body to repair itself the power and energy. The therapeutic effect of gemstones based on the energy vibrations of these stones from nature. The energy vibration of man is not stable, of a gemstone called. By wearing a gemstone, the human aura, which of course also consists of energy vibrations, positively influenced.
An illness or complaint is usually caused by an abnormal frequency vibrations of an organ or area of ​​the body. Because of the wearing of a certain stone ( ofcombinatie stones ) The impact is so substantial that complaints and / or diseases may disappear or at least significantly reduce.
Gems you can easily carry with you so let them do their operation. But also placed in house, For example, a gem in the rough shape mood light, or cut into shape as a sphere or pyramid stone will be employed.
If you wear a stone on the body, this has influence on body & spirit. Do you wear a stone on your clothes, it affects your environment. It is possible that after a few days or a few weeks, spontaneous rupture or will show that there are pieces of jump from. This is a sign that he has worked very well, but the effect is gone and a new stone must be purchased. You should definitely not stop wearing a stone. Throw the stone not in the bin, but bury it in the ground, where he originated.
Additionally, gemstones can be used in a healing ritual or as an elixir.

Gemstone elixir

The powerful vibrations of gemstones are easily transferable to water. This way you can quite simply a gem elixir make, a gem essence, by using them on the skin, or to add to the bath water. You can not do all the bricks as some stones are toxic and therefore not suitable for use directly on the skin or taken internally! Find out first.
More detailed information about all the gems: http://www.edelstenenenmineralen.nl
A very good book “The cristalguide” from Judy Hall – (ISBN:9789059203389)

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List of elixirs and the disease against which they help:

Amazoniet: brings the metabolic balance.

Amber: werkt als antibioticum, resolves throat problems.

Amethyst: Gives inspiration and wisdom. Ensures optimal relaxation. Dreams are clarified.

Aventurijn: Ensures a good night's sleep. Anger is softened and annoyances disappear.

Bergkristal: Concentration improves. Has a positive effect on self-esteem and provides inner stability.

Blue lace agaat: Treats eye infections.

Fluoriet: breaks through blockages in the etheric body. Weert viruses.

Heliotrope / By Blood: constipation remedies and emotional stagnation.

Hematiet: reinforced borders.

Jade: Heals eye.

Magnesium: helps with physical and mental exhaustion

Malachiet: harmonizes the physical, cleric, emotionele s Spirituele, ground the body. Use only tumbled stones.

Mosagaat: treat fungal infections.

Rozenkwarts: The stone of the heart. Promotes love and romance. Provides vitality and promotes vigor.

Black Tourmaline: provides psychological protection and repels electromagnetic smog. Is good for jetlag . Removes toxic energy from emotions, body and mind