The Chinese organ clock closer look

Schermafbeelding 2014-09-16 om 12.00.12

The Chinese organ clock closer look


yin-yangOur mood and energy level is quite different even from moment to moment during the day. That might say something about one of your organs.


The current Western science is only in recent years about the phenomenon biorhythm, but the Chinese have known for thousands of years that our body as an energetic clock functions. They believe that during the 24 hours of the day the Chi (ie life) flowing through the body. According to Chinese medicine sometimes Chi flows more and sometimes less by the organs. This is done according to the ebb and flow principle. There are 12 organ per day each 2 h show an increased activity. At the time that this organ system is active (So flood) found in the opposite system properly reduced activity rather (eb):




In our bodies, emotions are stored. If you are at the time of the relevant body experience these emotions, then it may be an emotional detox of the organ. Which means that there is work to be done:


Time Organ Emotion
1-3 hour Lever Anger / Frustration
3-5 hour Lungs Sorrow
5-7 hour Dikke Darma Guilt
7-9 hour Ulcer Disgust
9-11 hour Pancreas / Milt Jealousy / Concerns
11-13 hour Heart Pleasure
13-15 hour Taylor darmiya Uncertainty
15-17 hour Blow Irritation
17-19 hour Kidneys Anxiety
19-21 hour Bloodstream Ignore
21-23 hour Triple Heater Hopelessness
23-1 hour Gallbladder Bitterness


Expressing emotions is seen within the Chinese medicine as a very important, otherwise your Chi, the life, may stagnation. These emotions in your organs to save is to serve as a buffer, with disease due.

Through nutrition you can restore the balance. Some agencies fall under the Yin side, while more hear other back to the Yang side:

Element Wood Fire Earth Metal Water
Orgaan Lever Heart Milt Lungs Kidneys
Yang-orgaan Gallbladder Taylor darmiya Ulcer Dikke Darma Blow
Taste Acid Bitter Sweet Sharp Salt

In life it's always about the balance between effort and relaxation. Here in the West it is all too often disrupted. The Chinese share the many facets of life and the world in two: Yin Yang's. The energy of Yin goes from the outside to the inside, while Yang is from inside to outside. In practice, that looks something like this:

Yin Which
female male
the zone
dark light
death Life
black White
under top
cold warm
outside within
water fire
passive active
negative positive
weak strong

Also in the area of ​​the power supply, we see Yin and Yang:

YIN (explosive) THE (implosief)
Cold drinks and water
Night Schade
Vegetable & fruit
Herbal Tea
Fats and proteins
Meat, fish and cheese
Warm spices, like cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger

Times and organs

1-3 hour: liver
During this time, the liver recharges itself. Detoxing happening here on both physical and mental level. If you do not find peace at this time takes, to anger, frustration and anger rising. If you always wake up at this time, it may be that you have the above emotions enough a place gives.

3-5 hour: de longen
In many denominations one starts at this time meditating because the lungs provide the breath and connection to the whole and therefore the divine inspiration. In our lungs grief is stored. Painful lungs can be an expression of unresolved emotions.

5-7 hour: the dikke darm
This body represents the release. Letting go of what you no longer need. Fearing we love too much fixed. Letting go is one of the most important things we can learn in life. A visit to the toilet for the big message at this time recommended by the Chinese. You literally let loose.

7-9 hour: stomach
At this time, the stomach is at its most active. The Chinese therefore recommend the largest meal of the day at this time to eat. Therefore they eat in China too hot in the morning. The emotion of the stomach is disgust.

9-11 hour: de milt
This will also involve the pancreas, the organ that produces digestive enzymes, so that the nutrients from the breakfast can be effectively included. This is a good time to go to work. Emotions associated with these bodies have a negative self-image and low self esteem.

11-13 hour: heart
This is the body of all nutrients around inflated. A light lunch is recommended, then you just an afternoon nap. A cup of tea can vitalizing work. Feelings of extreme happiness and pleasure can be experienced at this time.

13-15 hour: the dunne Darma
Here, the food eaten utilized for the construction of the body. It is good to move at this time and to perform daily tasks. If you experience many feelings of insecurity and vulnerability, may be the energy of the small intestine are disrupted.

15-17 hour: bladder
This is the time when you can experience fatigue. This is usually a sign that you have too little drunk. It may also be that you have ingested too little salt. Industry are indispensable in the so-called Cup-a-Soup moment. Rather take a misosoepje, healthy and delicious. If you often feel annoyed at this time, it may be that your bladder stagnant energy.

17-19 hour: kidneys
This body filters your blood to keep the chemical composition of these same. A meal of why you can still use kidneys. If the meridians of your kidneys are disrupted, you can get problems with your back or anxious.

19-21 hour: circulatory
This body will get all the nutrients where they should be. It's good to read something at the moment or meditate. Heavy mental work you should refrain at this time. According to the Chinese it is good at this time to have sex, especially if you want to get pregnant. Stagnation of these meridians can ensure that you're struggling to show your emotions.

21-23 hour: the triple heater
This is not really an organ, but more of an energetic system that helps to maintain balance in our body. This is the time when we can relax our best. Surround yourself with positivity and unwind, so you can get into a deep sleep.

23-1 hour: the gallbladder
The gall stands for making choices. Me sleep over. The Yin energy decreases and gives way to more Yang. It is important to sleep on this period, so your confidence and your ability to make choices be charged energetically. Every hour for twelve counts double!

Tips to get your chi in balance:

  • doe aan Qigong
  • go to an acupuncturist
  • decorate your home according to Feng Sui
  • learn to meditate
  • go to bed on time
  • Beware of coffee, chocolade en thee

Source: Book ->

Practically apply the organ clock – Anna Elisabeth Röcker – ISBN 978 94 6015 112 5