Painful menstruation? …. away with those pills like Perdofemina and heal yourself!

You have your period abdominal pain, cramps and back pain.

You begin menstruation and end with dark blood that looks like coffee or chocolate syrup.

Here we go again you think, but ….

Schermafbeelding 2014-11-08 om 23.11.21








What this means?
That your uterus inside should be cleaned.

Cause :
Accumulation of old blood on the endometrium.
The accumulation hardens, darkens and thickens blood does the uterus to cramp and makes it harder to expel the hardened material.

Solution: A vaginal steam bath.
This recipe comes from the Mayan medicine and is very old, but not old-fashioned on the contrary…
This ancient remedy is the key not only to relieve the symptoms of pain, but also to clean the organs through which the cause of such a realization in the body is removed.

Help yourself in a natural way!

Getting Started:

Schermafbeelding 2014-11-08 om 23.07.47

Pick a handful of each herb -> basil, rosemary, oregano, thyme, marigold, chamomile,lavender.
Do not use essential oils as these this to be concentrated!
Put these herbs in a pot with two quarts water and infuse for 10 minuten Koken en 5 minuten draft.
Place not too hot pot under a chair with gaps or place it in the toilet.
Put your clothes and underwear, Deck your waist with a towel off so the steam can not escape.
Make sure your upper body warm is covered. Place a rug under your feet or do warm socks.
Stay 20 minute sit above the pot. Read, meditate, relax.
The steam bath is a lot of healing warmth and cleansing plant oils to in the womb, cervical and ovarian.
Then go one hour lying in bed under a warm blanket.
Best you doing this at bedtime.
How often?
Three baths in one week, a week before the menstrual period.
Repeat monthly until your blood pink / red and you have no more trouble cramps.

Lang leve de natuurlijke geneeskunde 🙂
